Empowering Today's Students for Tomorrow Today.
The CTE Program nurtures students while they explore the available career paths and offers customized learning opportunities to help them reach their goals.
Strong Workforce = Strong Economy
We are committed to helping youth reach their full potential through a variety of programs and services that give everyone a chance to explore, discover, and achieve.
We're accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year!
About Us
Connecting Firsthand Work Experience To Real-World Education: The more you understand, the more you have to be able to do. Yep. That’s our compass. Our educational compass—it’s North, South, East, West—everything we see and do, we tie back to that. And then that makes it more exciting for them. As a result of our hands-on approach to education, students have a direct connection between what they learn in school and how it will ultimately impact their futures…and the future of the global marketplace.
6753 Mumford Rd Bryan, TX 77807